Have you just graduated from university? Feeling lost in your search for a job? Perhaps this will help you decide where in Malaysia to put down roots.

Graduation from university will always be a mix of sweet delight and stress. On one hand, you are ready to step out into the world to forge your own path. On another, you now have more responsibilities to shoulder.

Are you having a hard time deciding which state to look for work? Find out the top 10 states in Malaysia with the highest median salary for fresh graduates!

Our Data

This article will be utilising wages and salaries data published by the Department of Statistics Malaysia, where it details the salaries of fresh graduates in the various states in Malaysia. Data on district populations are obtained from City Population, while states gross domestic product data are obtained from Department of Statistics Malaysia also.

#1: Kuala Lumpur

Not surprisingly, Kuala Lumpur comes in at number 1 as the top state in Malaysia for the highest median salary a fresh graduate can obtain. The capital city of Malaysia registered a median fresh graduate salary of RM5,088 per month, far outpacing the national median of RM3,911 per month.

Graduate salary median numbers also grew the highest in Kuala Lumpur by 27.2% from RM4,000 in 2017 to RM5,088 in 2021. Being the financial center of Malaysia, most of the economic activities in Kuala Lumpur is centered around the services sector like finance, professional (engineering, medical, etc), retail, food & beverages, and other services jobs. The state generates 15.4% of Malaysia’s total economic activities.

For new graduates who would want the best return on their education investment, Kuala Lumpur should be your number 1 destination in terms of finding the highest starting salary in Malaysia.

#2: Putrajaya

The center of government for Malaysia, Putrajaya comes in at number 2 for the highest median fresh graduate salary in Malaysia. New graduates trying to work in Putrajaya can expect to get a median salary of RM4,377 per month.

The median fresh graduate salary in Putrajaya grew by 9.4% from RM4,000 in 2017 to RM4,377 in 2021, with not just government ministries providing jobs but also several high-profile technology companies in Cyberjaya. Cyberjaya’s position as a technology hub has attracted many tech companies to set up shop there.

#3: Perlis

This is quite surprising. Perlis comes in at number 3 for the highest median fresh graduate salary, at RM4,186 per month, being the smallest state by economic activity in Malaysia. Perlis generates only about 0.5% of total Malaysia’s economic activities.

Most of the economic activities are centered around agriculture and services, comprising around 21.7% and 63.8% of Perlis’ economic activities. The median fresh graduate salary here grew at one of the quickest rates in Malaysia at 10.7% from RM3,780 in 2017 to RM4,186 in 2021.

With its proximity to Thailand, graduates could find jobs centered around the cross-border trade between Malaysia and Thailand, or be one of the budding agro-entrepreneurs in Chuping Agro Valley.

#4: Selangor

Selangor comes in at number 4, being close to the financial center of Kuala Lumpur and also boosting one of the biggest manufacturing industries in Malaysia. Fresh graduates can expect to get a median salary of RM4,130 per month in Selangor, where services and manufacturing sectors comprise about 61.0% and 28.1% of Selangor’s economic activities.

The median fresh graduate salary in Selangor grew one of the fastest in Malaysia, by 11.6% from RMRM3,701 in 2017 to RM4,130 in 2021. The townships of Puchong, Shah Alam, Selayang, and other towns are key to Selangor’s manufacturing industry, while the towns of Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, and Damansara are important for the services sector.

#5: Pahang

Pahang is the first state in this list with the median fresh graduate salary being below RM4,000 per month. Graduates looking for a job in Pahang can expect to get a median starting salary of RM3,933 per month, and has grown by 9.2% from 2017.

In Pahang, graduates probably should head towards the districts of Kuantan, Temerloh, Pekan, and Bentong as these districts contain the majority of Pahang’s population at about 60%.

However, for those graduating from hospitality degrees, Genting Highlands might be the go-to choice here considering that it is now home to the new theme park and an array of food & beverage options.

#6: Sarawak

Sarawak comes in at number 6, with a median fresh graduate salary of RM3,919 per month. The land of the hornbills is the biggest state by land size in Malaysia, and is home to Malaysia’s biggest reserves of natural resources.

However, the median fresh graduate salary actually declined by 6.7% from RM4,200 in 2017 to RM3,919 in 2021. This could be due to the decline in the oil & gas sector in Sarawak as global oil prices were very low from 2015 to 2020. Services jobs (normally associated with higher pay) consists of only about 32% of total jobs in Sarawak, making it the lowest in Malaysia.

#7: Kelantan

In the east coast of peninsular Malaysia, Kelantan comes in at number 7 with a median fresh graduate salary of RM3,898 per month. Salaries grew by 7.8% from RM3,617 in 2017 to RM3,898 in 2021, below the national growth rate of 10.2%.

With its close proximity to Thailand and its location near to the South China sea, trade and logistics are the main driver of Kelantan’s economy. Graduates should head to the districts of Kota Bharu, Pasir Mas, Tumpat, and Bachok, as these districts account for 63% of Kelantan’s total population.

#8: Johor

At number 8, new graduates looking for a job in Johor can expect to a median salary of RM3,871 per month. This was surprising considering that Johor is the third largest state in Malaysia at about 9.5% of total GDP, and is close to Singapore.

Graduate salary grew by 9.0% from RM3,550 in 2017 to RM3,871 in 2021. Development in Johor has been rapid in the past 5 years, with economic growth in the state consistently outpacing the national average. Graduates can focus on looking for jobs in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors, as places like Pengerang, Segamat Agriculture Hub and Kluang Creative Economy Hub are major contributor jobs to the state.

#9: Negeri Sembilan

Negeri Sembilan’s median fresh graduate salary ranks at number 9 at RM3,696 per month, growing by 5.6% from RM3,500 in 2017. With its close proximity to Klang Valley, many of the people living in Negeri Sembilan work there.

New graduates looking for work in Negeri Sembilan can head to the districts of Seremban and Port Dickson, where they encompass about 68% of Negeri Sembilan’s population.

#10: Sabah

Sabah rounds off the the 10th position for highest median fresh graduate salary in Malaysia at RM3,635 per month. The beautiful east Malaysian state is renowned for its breathtaking sights and tourism plays a big part in its economy.

Sabah’s median fresh graduate salary actually declined by 1.8% from RM3,700 in 2017 to RM3,635 currently. However, that was due mainly to the Covid-19 pandemic impact to tourism in 2020 and 2021, where in 2019, graduate salary was high at RM4,458 per month. With the re-opening of international borders, graduate salaries should recover in line with more tourist arrivals.


Getting a job as a graduate is going to be competitive in today’s world. Make use of this list to decide where is the best place for you to start your career. Bear in mind that the data above references the median salary. You need to think of your industry and your employer. There are other factors you should consider too when choosing a place to work, such as the cost of living, career opportunities, support system (family and friends), and many others too.

Here’s a start: compare the above with the Most Affordable States in Malaysia To Work & Buy A Home In!


Which state was the most surprising to see in or out of this list?


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