11 ways to embrace personal growth and find fulfillment. The original version of this article was published on tonyrobbins.com.

Do you ever find yourself wanting more? As human beings, we crave growth, so we set and achieve goals of more money, more possessions or more power – yet we still find ourselves feeling stuck. We plateau. We feel uninspired, even bored. Because while we’ve mastered the physical realm, what we really crave is true fulfillment. More meaning. More purpose.

All of life’s challenges are opportunities in disguise. When you feel stuck in a rut, it is actually the perfect opportunity to renew yourself. It’s your chance to realize that, as Tony says, we grow so that we can give.

Self-renewal is an essential part of our spiritual wellness. Just as we need to grow in our relationships and our careers, we need to grow as human beings. By learning how to renew yourself, you’ll be able to continuously reconnect with your purpose in life, reignite your passion and rediscover your true spirit. Learning how to renew your life isn’t always easy – but it is always worth it. Start with these 11 ways to renew yourself and give a new meaning to everything you do.


1. Give Yourself a Timeout

At the same time that our culture preaches self-love and digital detoxes, many people around the world are working more than ever with Malaysians among the top 5 in total hours worked.

Top 10 Countries with the Longest Workweek in hours (Source: Penn WorldTable, 2019 data)

  1. Cambodia: 47.6
  2. Myanmar: 47.1
  3. Bangladesh: 46.5
  4. Singapore: 44.8
  5. Malaysia: 42.3
  6. South Africa: 42.1
  7. China: 41.7
  8. Philippines: 41.7
  9. Hong Kong (China SAR): 41.3
  10. Dominican Republic: 41.2

The rat race remains glorified – and finding the time can be the most difficult part of how to renew yourself emotionally. Allow yourself to unplug. Allow yourself to prioritize your own spiritual and mental well-being. Let the process of self-renewal begin with giving yourself permission to fully pursue it.

2. Improve Your Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is key to everything we do in life – we cannot set goals, make plans or ever find fulfillment if we don’t know what it is we truly want. To discover this, we must stop being blinded by our own subjective emotions and begin to see ourselves for who and what we really are. That is self-awareness, and it is the ultimate power.

3. Build a New Blueprint

Part of improving our self-awareness is to recognize – and admit – when we are living according to a blueprint that has been set for us, rather than one that follows what we really want. Ultimately, learning how to renew yourself means recognizing that the nice house, the fancy car and the expensive suit won’t bring you fulfillment unless there is a purpose behind it.

4. Reveal Your Purpose

Your purpose is what drives you. It’s what gives your life meaning. And you cannot know how to renew your life if you don’t know your purpose.

“People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them.” ~ Tony Robbins

Connecting your goals to your purpose is what will get you out of bed every morning with energy and vitality, ready to tackle the tasks at hand.

5. Break Your Patterns

People live in patterns. Patterns serve an important purpose but they also can be one of the things that keep us from achieving our goals: We get stuck in the same habits.

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” ~ Tony Robbins

Only when you recognize and break your patterns can you discover how to renew yourself emotionally.

6. Examine Your Limiting Beliefs

One way to break your patterns is to examine what you believe about yourself. It’s harder than it seems: We often know what we think of others and of outside events, but we’re less likely to listen to our own self-talk. It’s harder to identify our own limiting beliefs. Yet these beliefs are what hold us back from achieving our dreams.

“You become what you believe.”

Unless you believe that you can become the best version of yourself, you never will.

7. Transform Your Habits

“Success is processional. It’s the result of a series of small disciplines.” ~ Tony Robbins

Success lies in the small choices we make every day. It means creating an empowering morning ritual like running, coffee/tea or yoga. It means feeding your body the right fuel and feeding your mind the right information. To create a massive shift in how to renew your life, you must first eliminate bad habits and replace them with empowering ones.

8. Surround Yourself with Good People

“Who you spend time with is who you become.” ~ Tony Robbins

You are who you hang out the most with. To renew yourself, sometimes you must renew your social group. You must choose to surround yourself with people who will lift you up, not bring you down. You can get a mentor, sign up for coaching or attend events like Tony Robbin’s Life Mastery. Once you raise your standards, you’ll level up your achievement in life.

9. Practice Gratitude

No matter where you are in life, the power of gratitude is key to how to renew yourself. Adopting an abundance mindset will transform the way you see the world. It will allow you to escape your scarcity mindset and approach life from a place of emotional and spiritual wealth.

“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” ~ Amy Collette.

You can start a gratitude journal, learn how to practice mindfulness or train your mind to pair any negative thought with a positive one. A true attitude of gratitude makes us feel renewed every moment of every day.

10. Face Your Fears

There is a shortcut to how to renew yourself: Get out of your comfort zone.

“Overcoming fears is the hallmark of a successful person” ~ Seth Godin

Interact with people you wouldn’t normally interact with. Learn a new language or instrument. Go sky-diving or take a hot air balloon ride. Perform at a comedy or music open mic night. The only way to overcome your fears – and your limiting beliefs – is to face them. Starting right now!

11. Give Back

Facing your fears will bring you the personal growth you crave – but only giving back can bring you real fulfillment.

“To move forward, you have to give back” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Whether you volunteer your time, your skills or your money, giving to others will make you realize how abundant your own life is. It will help you connect with a higher purpose and discover the gift of grace. It seems counterintuitive, but it’s true: Only in the act of giving back will you ever learn how to renew yourself.


Take the first steps toward renewing yourself today!


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