Planning your retirement early can lead to a more comfortable and worry-free financial outlook in your later years.

Many of us might view retirement as a significant life event and eagerly anticipate its arrival. It’s the time for us to finally unwind and enjoy the fruits of our labour.

On the other hand, retirement can be challenging, especially on the finance side. So, get planning for retirement as soon as possible.

There are several considerations that must be made when planning for retirement. This article will discuss the amount of money necessary for a comfortable retirement in Malaysia, as well as other factors related to it.

Why a Retirement Plan is Critically Important

Planning for retirement is essential because it allows you to save money and invest in the future. If you plan adequately for your retirement, you can help ensure that you have sufficient funds to maintain your current standard of living after you stop working.

In addition, it helps you avoid the anxiety and stress that come with an uncertain financial situation. In the absence of adequate preparation, you might risk having to rely on pension plans, which may not be sufficient to cover all of your retirement expenses.

What to Consider When Planning for Retirement

Here are some factors that must be considered when preparing for retirement.

Consideration #1. Age

Age is one of the most crucial factors to consider when making retirement preparations. If you begin planning early, you will have more time to save money and make investments. This paves the way for you to amass more wealth and provide yourself with a more comfortable lifestyle post-retirement.

Consideration #2. Lifestyle

Your lifestyle is an additional crucial factor to consider. Your retirement plan should be tailored to your lifestyle as well as your regular expenses. If you plan to travel frequently or engage in hobbies that require a substantial financial investment, you will need more money to fund your activities.

Consideration #3. Health

Your health is an additional factor that cannot be disregarded. It is possible that as you age, your health will deteriorate, necessitating more medical care. This indicates that you will need sufficient savings to pay for your medical expenses.

Consideration #4. Inflation

Inflation is one of the most important factors to take into account when planning for retirement. As a result of inflation, the purchasing power of money will diminish over time. This indicates that you will need additional funds in the future to maintain your current standard of living.

How Much is Enough: The Golden Number

“The golden number” refers to the amount of savings necessary for a comfortable retirement. It is the amount of money that will allow you to maintain your desired standard of living during your retirement years without worrying about running out of money.

Obtaining your golden number requires careful planning and consideration of a variety of factors. Here are some steps to help you determine your golden number.

Step #1. Determine Your Retirement Goals

Before attempting to calculate your “golden number,” you must first determine what you hope to achieve in retirement. This includes determining the age at which you wish to retire, the type of lifestyle you desire to have in retirement, and any additional financial objectives you may have. This will assist you in calculating how much money you will need upon reaching retirement age.

Step #2. Calculate Your Retirement Expenses

Once you have determined your retirement goals, you need to calculate your retirement expenses. This includes housing, food, transportation, medical care, and entertainment, among other day-to-day expenses. Future costs, such as those associated with long-term care or unanticipated medical expenses, must also be considered.

Step #3. Estimate Your Retirement Income

The next step is to estimate the amount of income you will receive in retirement. This includes any and all sources of income you will have during retirement, such as retirement benefits, pensions, and investment income. Additionally, factor in any part-time work you intend to do after retirement.

Step #4. Determine Your Retirement Savings Needs

Once you have calculated your retirement expenses and estimated your retirement income, you can determine your retirement savings needs. This is the amount you will need to save annually to achieve the desired level of financial security in retirement. A retirement calculator can help you arrive at a number that makes sense for you.

Step #5. Make the Necessary Inflation Adjustments

It is essential to account for inflation when determining your “golden number.” Because inflation can have a substantial impact on your retirement savings, you must ensure that your calculations account for inflation. In this regard, the rule of thumb is to assume an annual inflation rate of 3 per cent.

Step #6. Evaluate Your Strategy and Make Changes

After determining your magic number, you must evaluate and revise your strategy regularly. Your current financial situation and your retirement objectives may change over time; therefore, it is essential to regularly review your plan and make any necessary adjustments.

Strategies for Retirement Planning

Whatever your goals are for retirement, you will have to take action to actualise that goal. To that end, here are some approach you can adopt to your financial diet.

Strategy #1. Save Regularly

The consistent practice of saving money is essential for retirement planning. Setting up a recurring transfer from your paycheck to your retirement account is one way to simplify and accelerate the process of saving money.

Strategy #2. Invest Cautiously

Investing wisely can help you accumulate wealth more quickly. By investing in diverse assets such as stocks, bonds, and other assets, you can diversify your portfolio and reduce the amount of risk you are exposed to. If you are just getting started, it is in your best interest to seek the advice of a qualified and licensed wealth advisor who can assess your acceptable level of risk and return.

Strategy #3. Consider Retirement Plans In The Market

Both the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and the Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) are excellent retirement planning options for Malaysian citizens. These plans are intended to assist you in accumulating retirement savings while providing tax advantages.


Retirement planning is essential for a comfortable retirement. You can make an educated guess as to how much money you need to save for retirement if you consider multiple factors, such as your age, lifestyle, state of health, and inflation rate.

A good goal is to save at least 70–80 per cent of your current income. The ideal percentage varies depending on the specifics of each individual’s situation. Start making plans for this objective as soon as possible, consistently set aside funds, invest wisely, and think about what your life might look like in retirement.

If you make the effort to plan ahead, you can have a relaxing and enjoyable retirement.


Are there other criteria to consider when planning for your retirement? Let us know in the comments below. 


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