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Moomoo MY 90-day 2% p.a. Cash Return Promotion

May 27th, 2024|

Another great promo to help kick start your US stock market investment journey with fractional shares trading with Moomoo MY. Announcing a new cash reward campaign for Moomoo [...]

EPF Akaun Fleksibel (Flexible Account 3)

April 26th, 2024|

What you need to know about EPF’s latest changes including the Akaun Fleksible (Account 3). The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) recently announced upcoming changes including a new Akaun [...]

Popular Articles

5 Tertib Pengurusan Harta Pusaka Dalam Islam

Pengurusan harta pusaka adalah sebahagian daripada proses perancangan kewangan yang penting. Dalam islam, faraid memainkan peranan besar dalam penentuan pembahagian harta. Pengurusan harta pusaka dalam kalangan umat Islam adalah satu prosedur yang penting untuk difahami, [...]

Personal Finances

PERKESO/SOCSO Benefits for Self-Employed Workers & Housewives

July 9th, 2024|

Malaysia's social security protects not only full-time employees but also self-employed workers and even housewives. Learn more about the coverage and benefits from the contribution Nowadays, we are seeing a trend of more Malaysians leaving [...]

Risk Management & Estate Planning


Is Cryptocurrency Right for You?

June 21st, 2024|

Should you jump into cryptocurrency or consider other choices? The original version of this article was published on FundingSocieties.com.my. It’s been all over finance news – cryptocurrency is bouncing back in 2024. If you’re considering investments [...]

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