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Exploring Risk Management Strategies for Malaysians in Personal Finance and Investments
Take proactive steps listed in this guide to protect yourself from taking unnecessary financial risks. Managing personal financial risk is crucial for maintaining financial stability and achieving long-term goals. Malaysians face various financial risks, including [...]
FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early), Is It for Everyone?
Find out if you are ready for and suited to FIRE your life with this useful introduction to FIRE. Economic uncertainties and the fast-paced nature of today's world [...]
2024 April Market Outlook & Review
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A Guide to Navigating Maternal and Newborn Insurance Choices in Malaysia
Make the postnatal period less anxious with the right coverage for mama and baby. Navigating the journey of pregnancy and early parenthood can be both exhilarating and daunting. [...]
9 Retirement Checklist for Soon-to-be Retirees
Not sure how to start planning your retirement? Having a checklist certainly helps you to get started . The idea of retirement brings a mix of emotions. Some, [...]
Latest News
Nearly 1 in 2 Malaysians Do Not Plan to Leave Their Jobs Anytime Soon Despite Feeling ‘Underpaid’
In a recent survey on income satisfaction of over 1,000 Malaysian adults, we found that nearly 1 in 2 Malaysians have no plans to leave their jobs anytime soon despite feeling 'underpaid'. According to a [...]
How to Apply for PENJANA RM300 Financial Aid for Single Mothers
Among the PENJANA incentives announced by our Prime Minister is a one-off RM300 financial aid to single mothers (BKIT). Learn how to qualify and apply for this aid. [...]
The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Chickens
Oh no, not another article on the pandemic. But today we are taking an interesting look at an how the pandemic and movement control order is affecting chickens [...]
How is the Pandemic and China Changing the Face of e-Commerce
How is the e-Commerce industry impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and how can it bounce back in the new normal? How influential is China in changing the [...]
What’s for Consumers in the Latest Bantuan Prihatin Elektrik
Malaysian have been taking to social media to complain about extremely high electricity bills multiple times above normal charges. To help lessen the burden, government introduced the [...]
Popular Articles
5 Bad Financial Advice that Makes You Poorer
Have you ever blindly trusted and implemented a piece of financial advice, and faced a negative outcome? Here are some tips to help you sort out the good from the bad, or at least trigger [...]
How Much Does It Cost to Die?
How much does it cost to die in Malaysia? What are the costs involved in your passing? Final costs include funeral expenses, estate administration expenses, taxes, etc. Plan ahead and do not burden your family [...]
Great Eastern’s Great 110 Legacy Review
Review for Great Eastern’s Great 110 Legacy which was launched in June 2018 celebrating Great Eastern’s 110th anniversary in Malaysia. Create a legacy and provide for for your family while confidently embracing all of life’s [...]
How to Defer Your PTPTN Repayment
The deadline for updating your PTPTN loan repayment info is on July 25, 2018. Do you qualify for PTPTN loan exemption or repayment deferment? Do you qualify for the new repayment deferment if you are [...]
5 Reasons Credit Cards are Better than Cash
We look at a few good reasons to consider using a credit card instead of cash as the war on cash continues. Do make sure though that you pay off your credit card balance in [...]
Personal Finances
A Guide to ESG Considerations for Investors
ESG investing is increasing in popularity. With many options claiming to be compliant, learn how to better understand this new frontier. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It is a framework used to assess [...]
6 Financial Actions You Should Carry Forward into Next Year
Blaze into the new year with these 6 finance principles! As we approach the end of the year, we reflect on what we have done well especially in weathering the uncertainties that life throws at [...]
3 Purchases that can Fast-Track Your Finances and 2 Purchases to Avoid
How we spend our money dictates the financial wellbeing of our future. Would you agree with our 5 recommendations for better spending habits? One of the key factors that influence our financial success is how [...]
Risk Management & Estate Planning
Preparing Your Evacuation Box
If you suddenly have to leave home for good in a hurry, do you have your irreplaceable documents prepared? In the unexpected face of an unforeseen disaster, would you and your family [...]
Balanced Score Card for Insurance
What are the implications of Balanced Score Card and LIFE Framework for insurance? How does BSC affect you as a consumer, agent or financial advisor? What is Balanced Score Card (BSC)? Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) [...]
How Much Does It Cost to Die?
How much does it cost to die in Malaysia? What are the costs involved in your passing? Final costs include funeral expenses, estate administration expenses, taxes, etc. Plan ahead and do not burden your family [...]
Mastering Money Management: Simple Strategies for Financial Success
Crush your long term goals to achieve early retirement and a dream lifestyle. Financial success is not a matter of chance; it results from careful planning and disciplined execution. This article will explore simple yet [...]
2024 March Market Outlook
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Empowering Financial Independence: Your Guide to Freedom and Security
Don't be caught unprepared - get to know these great financial foundations for better security. Investor and entrepreneur Alex Hormozi defined an individual's wealth as the ratio between one's income and expenses, a much fitting [...]