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EPF Reduces Sales Charge on Investment Withdrawals

April 29th, 2020|

EPF announced reduction to investment sales charges, effective from May 1 2020 until 30 April 2021. The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has recently announced the reduction of investment [...]

Bursa Short-Selling Ban Extended to End of June

April 28th, 2020|

Securities Commission (SC) and Bursa Malaysia extends suspension of short-selling until June 30, 2020. Ban on Short Selling 1-month extension of ban on short selling in Malaysia from [...]

Malaysia’s MCO Extension Phase 4 Impact

April 24th, 2020|

Malaysia’s prime minister announced Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO) is extended to May 12. Gain economic insight on the latest extension and what to expect ahead. MCO Extension [...]

Popular Articles

12 Tips untuk Menjana Pendapatan Melalui Karya Seni

Sama ada pelaburan atau koleksi, transaksi jual beli dalam karya seni sedang berkembang pesat berbanding pelaburan alternatif lain. (Read original article in English) I bought some artwork for one million, Two years later, that s*** [...]

Pelaburan Yang Berjaya Selalunya Membosankan

Cara melabur dengan cara bosan tetapi menguntungkan dalam tempoh perang ekonomi US-China, kekecohan politik dan era Trump. Konflik semakin tegang semenjak kebelakangan ini apabila Presiden China, Xi Jinping mengumumkan bahawa tambahan tarif sebanyak $75 billion [...]

Kesan Coronavirus Terhadap Pasaran Kewangan

Apakah kesan virus Coronavirus Wuhan (2019-nCoV) terhadap pasaran kewangan? Adakah ianya ancaman terhadap ekonomi, ataupun peluang jangka masa pendek? Pasaran kewangan seluruh dunia terutamanya di rantau Asia baru-baru ini terjejas dengan kehadiran wabak Coronavirus yang [...]

Personal Finances

5 Steps to Prepare for Your Child’s Educational Future

September 20th, 2023|

Jump start your child's educational fund to pave the way to a brighter future. In most families, good education is highly cherished. Parents understand that a quality education can be the bridge to better opportunities, [...]

Risk Management & Estate Planning

Should You Invest in SSPN?

May 11th, 2017|

Should I invest in SSPN Prime (previously known as SSPN-i and before that SSPN1M) for my child's higher education? What are the returns, pros, and cons? Updated: Jul 1, 2023   What is Skim Simpanan [...]

7 Steps for Retirement Planning

April 19th, 2017|

7 simple steps for retirement planning (whether you are retired, going to retire or many years away). Also included a sample retirement case study #MyPFstories The Retirement Years Transitioning from your accumulation (main income earning) years [...]

Q&A: Cheated by Savings Plan?

April 13th, 2017|

A MyPFer alerted us on this viral post by Tyler JWY from Singapore who bought an endowment policy (aka savings plan) that did not give expected returns. She asked us whether we could enlighten them [...]


The Pros and Cons of Crowdfunding for Investors

December 13th, 2023|

The concept of crowdfunding has become more popular, gathering like-minded individuals to invest in a product, no matter how small the amount invested. Crowdfunding involves gathering modest contributions from many people to fund a new [...]

7 Low-Risk Investment Options to Safeguard Your Finances

November 29th, 2023|

With the current global economic landscape presenting challenges and opportunities, the demand for stable and steady investment is high. Navigating the ever-shifting terrain of personal finance, Malaysian investors are increasingly seeking sanctuary in low-risk investments. [...]

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