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Preparing Financially for Your Children’s Education – Part 4: Tertiary
Are you preparing for your child's university education? This series explores the fees incurred for your children’s schooling. Welcome to Part 4 – about tertiary education costs in Malaysia. This is the last part of [...]
2023 December Market Outlook & Review
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How to Plan a Low Budget Christmas Celebration and Have Fun too!
Christmas is a time for joy, celebration, and spending time with loved ones but it can also be a time of financial stress, as the holiday season often [...]
5 Tips for Using Technology to Enhance Your Financial Advisory Strategy
The synergy between financial advisory and technology can create a good dynamic for bringing the best services to clients. Learn more about using technology to enhance your advisory [...]
6 Financial Actions You Should Carry Forward into Next Year
Blaze into the new year with these 6 finance principles! As we approach the end of the year, we reflect on what we have done well especially in [...]
Latest News
Pakej Bantuan PERMAI Diumumkan untuk PKP 2.0
Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, telah mengumumkan pakej bantuan Perlindungan Ekonomi dan Rakyat atau PERMAI yang berjumlah RM 15 bilion pada pukul 4 petang, 18 Januari 2021 lepas. Apa maksudnya? (Original article in [...]
Malaysia’s Budget 2020 Highlights
Highlights from Malaysia’s Budget 2020 related to your business and personal finances. Theme: Driving Growth And Equitable Outcomes Towards Shared Prosperity. Committed [...]
Malaysia’s Budget 2020 Expectations
What to expect in Malaysia's Budget 2020 ahead of the budget announcement on Friday October 11, 2019. Budget Expectations Last budget for the 11th Malaysia Plan and expected [...]
Adakah Akaun Tabung Haji Anda Dormant?
Lebih 700 ribu akaun pendeposit Tabung Haji tidak aktif. Akaun yang tiada sebarang transaksi melebihi 7 tahun berturut-turut akan diletakkan dalam kumpulan akaun dormant. Lebih 700,000 Akaun TH [...]
What is Malaysia’s SPV2030?
What is Malaysia's Shared Prosperity Vision 2030? Malaysia is at risk of slowing GDP growth and widening disparities. Learn how this commitment help to improve living standards of [...]
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7 Things You Can Do for Your Mental Health
Taking care of your mental health provides some great health benefits and improve your outlook towards life. Mental health affects the way we think, feel, and behave in daily life. We all need good mental [...]
12 Money Management Tips For Young Adults
The topic of money management is often ignored or given little thought. It is not taught in school nor in higher education institutions, so, for people in their twenties who are starting to [...]
4-Step Process in Buying a Car
A licensed financial planner shares his journey of buying a new car after 16 years of using his old car. I bought a new car for myself earlier this month, after having used my previous [...]
5 Tips To Help You Get a Grip on Financial Stress
Are you feeling helpless due to a financial problem? Learn what financial stress is and our 5 tips to handle your financial stressors. Financial stress occurs when you struggle to meet your financial commitments due [...]
5 Reasons Credit Cards are Better than Cash
We look at a few good reasons to consider using a credit card instead of cash as the war on cash continues. Do make sure though that you pay off your credit card balance in [...]
Personal Finances
6 Pros and Cons of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Programs
Wait ... you can buy now and pay later? What's the catch? Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) programs have become more common these days. According to Experian, about 17% of Malaysians have used BNPL in [...]
Gain Confidence Navigating Your Retirement with Help from Your Financial Planner
Planning for your retirement with the help of a licensed financial planner helps ease your worries about both your current and future lifestyle. Retirement planning is an important aspect of financial management that requires wise [...]
The 5 Biggest Financial Mistakes Malaysians Make
The path to riches is full of dangers and traps, so follow these 5 steps to ensure you get it through to the end. Ah, Malaysia! Land of diverse cultures, exotic foods, breathtaking landscapes, and... [...]
Risk Management & Estate Planning
Medical Coverage Options After 60
A friend recently asked me on medical plans info as considering. He is currently covered under his spouse’s very generous medical plan (VIP rooms) & considering a medical plan for himself (and maybe his spouse) [...]
Insurance Payment Mode Annual, Half Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly?
Should I pay for my insurance premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly? Does it make a difference? (Note: My apologies in advance if this ruffles the feathers of any insurance agents) Should I pay for [...]
Insurance GST Tax Invoice
What is a GST tax invoice? How do I understand the GST tax charges on my insurance? How does GST affect my insurance? Both myself & friends (who are GE poliycholders) recently received a GST tax invoice [...]
Market Overview September 2023
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Are You Ready to Buy a House Now?
Buying your first house involves a lot of self-reflection. If you are a first time homebuyer, consider asking yourself these four questions before making your down-payment on a house. The original version of this article [...]
5 Steps to Prepare for Your Child’s Educational Future
Jump start your child's educational fund to pave the way to a brighter future. In most families, good education is highly cherished. Parents understand that a quality education can be the bridge to better opportunities, [...]