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7 Common Reasons People Fall for Scams
What causes the public to fall prey to scammers? Learn more of few common ones causing this serious disadvantage. More often than not, we have read articles after articles in the media about people young [...]
The Pros and Cons of Crowdfunding for Investors
The concept of crowdfunding has become more popular, gathering like-minded individuals to invest in a product, no matter how small the amount invested. Crowdfunding involves gathering modest contributions [...]
2023 December Market Outlook
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3 Purchases that can Fast-Track Your Finances and 2 Purchases to Avoid
How we spend our money dictates the financial wellbeing of our future. Would you agree with our 5 recommendations for better spending habits? One of the key factors [...]
5 Things You Need to Know Before Changing Currency for Travel
Excited for your upcoming overseas vacation? These currency exchange tips could help you. Travelling to another country is always fun. From the cultures to food, there is always [...]
Latest News
GameStop Stock: Understanding Reddit wallstreetbets Versus Hedge Funds
In Reddit terminology ELI5 (Explain Like I’m Five) why mainstream media is reporting about GameStop ($GME), Reddit wallstreetbets short squeezing, and hedge funds. Gain insight on what really happened and is it all fake news. [...]
World Financial Planning Day 2019
This October 2nd, we celebrate globally World Financial Planning Day 2019 (#WFPD). Learn what is World Financial Planning Day and of the events being held in Malaysia to [...]
Malaysia Retained on FTSE Russell Fixed Income Watchlist
Malaysia retained on FTSE Russell Watch List instead of being downgraded. FTSE Russell Country Classification Review for Equities and Fixed Income Malaysia Malaysia retained on FTSE Russell [...]
Malaysia’s Tax Changes
Find out about the latest in taxation on why Malaysia needs smart taxation, and the new digital service tax starting on January 1, 2020. Tax [...]
Saudi Arabia Drone Attacks Oil Disruption
Drone and missile attacks targeted two of Saudi Arabia's oil processing facilities on Saturday impacting 5% of the world's oil supply. What is the aftermath of this attack? [...]
Popular Articles
Petrol Price Malaysia – Mar 1, 2015
Unconfirmed Fuel price increase for Mar 2015 as crude oil prices increase. (Confirmed source: The Star) Petrol Price Change w.e. 01/03/2015 12:01AM RON 95 RM1.95 (increase 25 sen from RM1.70) RON 97 RM2.25(increase 25 sen from RM2.00) Diesel [...]
Malaysia Historical Sugar, Inflation & CPI Increases
What may happen when "Gula naik giler" (Sugar prices go crazy) What you need to know Whole sale refined sugar prices have gone up from RM1.9k to RM2.5k per tonne (+RM600 or 31.57% increase per tonne) [...]
Save, Save, Save!
MyPF is pleased to introduce the first article from our new team of MyPF writers. Our very first article is by Viv who is passionate about people & relationships. Her first series focuses on wise gems her [...]
Seeking Returns in Times of Uncertainties
Seeking Income in Times of "Uncertainties" (Fixed Income; Bond Market) By Kho Hock Khoon, Senior VP Fixed Income, AmInvest Key Highlights of Global Market • Global growth modest • Disinflation continues (est 3.2%) • O&G [...]
2025 February Market Outlook
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Personal Finances
Smart Money Moves: Financial Tips for New Parents
Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience filled with joy and excitement but amidst the flurry of diaper changes and sleepless nights, it is crucial for new parents to prioritize their financial well-being. By implementing [...]
Spending Smartly on What Matters Most
Whether you're a young professional, a newlywed couple, or a seasoned parent, these tips and insights will help you navigate the path towards a brighter financial future. We all strive for a fulfilling and balanced [...]
How to Talk about Money with Your Family
Financial matters are often difficult to broach even among family. Let us help you start your conversations on personal finance with these tips. In our journey through life, we often come across conversations that can [...]
Risk Management & Estate Planning
The Ideal Critical Illness Plan
A review of the Ideal Critical Illness Plan giving you increased CI coverage as you age (when you need it most) & at the same time returns comparable or better to a FD. Pre-Reading Info: Why, How, [...]
You are Probably Critically Under-insured & Don’t Even Know It
You are probably critically under-insured & don't even know it. Don't get a headache. Get educated: Read. Think. Take action! This article has been split into 2 separate articles for improved readability, length & clarity Guide: Critical [...]
Auto Insurance for Old Vehicles
How do I renew my car insurance for my old car? It is in good condition but already more then 15 years from make ("Tahun Dibuat"). Almost all auto insurance providers will not provide or renew coverage [...]
Tailoring Financial Advice for Younger Generations
The constantly changing financial landscape throughout the years have molded the younger generation with a different outlook and priority than that of their parents. As financially-savvy individuals actively interested in managing our own personal finances, [...]
2023 September Market Outlook
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The Future of Robo-Advisors
Robo-advisors represent an undeniable shift in the world of finance. The choice of how we navigate this change remains with us. In the 21st century, an era marked by remarkable technological advancements, we find ourselves [...]